Iowa • Minnesota • Nebraska • North Dakota • South Dakota


Reach out to Your Senator’s Staff – Your Support of the Postal Service Reform Act

February 11, 2022 – Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) is a proud member of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service. Under the leadership of this coalition, the Postal Service Reform Act has just passed the House and is now headed to the Senate for a vote in the coming days. This is a critical […]

Minnesota Legislative Post Session Update

On Monday, August 28th, the Minnesota Supreme Court began hearing the oral arguments on behalf of Governor Dayton and the Minnesota Legislature. The justices are considering the legality of Governor Dayton’s line-item veto of the Legislature’s budget, which took place in the special session. Ramsey County Chief Judge, John Guthmann, had previously ruled the Governor’s […]

MN Legislative Update – 2017 Session Wrap-Up

Governor Dayton initially signed nine out of the ten omnibus budget bills. He also signed the Bonding bill. He planned on allowing the Tax bill to become law at midnight without his signature. After the press conference, the Governor ultimately did sign the Tax bill to avoid the possibility of a pocket veto. There was […]