Know Your Print Industry – MN – 2.27.2025

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Carbon Black Ban Proposed

The attack on Carbon Black has come to Minnesota. As we know, Carbon Black is a component of black inks to provide an intense black color.  Human exposure to carbon black through printing is limited because it is bound within a matrix. According to the NIH (National Institute of Health) employee exposures to carbon black through printing processes are negligible. Carbon back can be toxic when it is in dust form.  Carbon black in ink or when printed and cured is not a dust. A bill introduced on Monday in the MN House (HF 1486 / SF 1380) would ban, among other things, the use of Carbon Black in Minnesota.

In the House, the bill has been referred to the Environmental and Natural Resources Finance and Policy committee. Here is a list of MN House representatives on that committee. In the Senate, it was referred to the Environment, Climate, and Legacy committee. Here is a list of Senators on that committee.

Please contact these Senators and Representatives and let them know how you feel about this bill. Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) will be doing the same!

Know Your Print Industry

In today’s busy world it is hard to keep up-to-date on laws that have passed or potential legislation. You might not know about how laws and regulations could potentially affect your industry or how to share your thoughts with federal, state or local leadership. We encourage you to “Know Your Print Industry”. Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) wants our membership to be prepared. From time to time, this email called “Know Your Print Industry” will be sent to members to help you know what is going on.


Any views, opinions and information presented in this post are solely to inform our readers and does not necessarily represent those of this organization. Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) is not requiring you to take action and is not pushing you towards a specific view or party. The information shared is provided to help keep you informed.

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Sadie Hagen
Author: Sadie Hagen